Showing posts with label IKEA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IKEA. Show all posts

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Quick and Easy Fabric Craft!!

1Fabric wrapped picture frames! Nice! 

2Fabric covered circle bulletin boards

3Recover old binders by covering in fabric scraps
4Fabric Decal, great way to use fabric scraps
Love these out of the box ideas to use spare fabric pieces in the house. Find more information about these projects here
1: Update old frames by covering them in new fabrics straps
2: Created personalised bulletin board with cork board and fabrics spares
3: Update old folders with some fabric covering. Great way to get uniformed look. Update it every season for new look
4: Create fabulous fabric wall decals! my favorite idea!

You can find interesting fabrics and laces at our store. Hope these ideas and our affordable product ranges inspires you to start a project today!

Share ideas that inspired you! join us on Pinterest to discover more pins together!

Saturday 3 March 2012

A-Line Frock for Toddler

front side
Hello Friends! 
Finally there's one tick in our "to do list" for this year!
My mum made this dress for S recently.Yes its the same Ikea fabric used in this project as I mentioned in my previous post here
back side - close-up

I am super impressed with the dress. The fabric is really thick makes it perfect for layering in autumn weather! 
back side
Also the dandelion pattern makes my girl look tall and very adorable.
The dress is very easy to wear for toddlers (especially the ones who love dress by themselves) as there's only one press button at the back 
and simple belt to tie at the back. 
Seeing a big grin on S face made the efforts worthwhile for the proud Granny!

Happy crafting! 

(Please contact me if you would like to custom make a similar dress for your little one )

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Friday 2 December 2011

New Project - Textiles

 Very excited to start something new in this coming year!!! Got these coulour full bold printed fabrics from IKEA few weeks ago!

Mum got some ideas about using these fabrics in making some frocks and quilts... Shall keep you guys posted about it in the New Year!
 Please throw in some ideas -About to use these fabrics
Thanks so much for visiting The Craft Gallery. I would be honored if you would take a moment to like our new Facebook Page "The Craft Gallery"  

The journey so far for The Craft Gallery !

Dear friends, I am humbled to see how my simple hobby craft blog " Miss Crafty" has now turned in to an Online Gallery showcasi...